Healthy Daily Living Activities

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Healthy Daily Living Activities

Posted by | February 11, 2013 | Healthy Daily Living Activities

Aging is inevitable, but getting old doesn’t have to be. There are many simple and fun things you can do to keep the mental clarity, energy and lust for life that`s brought you this far.

The most important thing you can do every day is to walk. Do you have to put on a silly track suit and race around the neighborhood? Of course not. Walking at a comfortable pace for 30 minutes every day gets your blood moving which oxygenates your whole body, including your brain. This can help lower blood pressure, improve mental function and lighten your mood.

Swinging your arms while walking helps cross-train your brain. The more you challenge your brain by forcing it to use both sides alternately or better yet, at once — the sharper your brain function will be.

The newest research suggests that you will grow new brain cells simply by juggling for 15 minutes every day. Don`t search the Internet for flaming chainsaws just practicing for 15 minutes with square beanbags will help improve your mental acuity. And using square juggling balls that you don`t have to chase if you drop them will also help keep your mood up, not to mention amuse your grandchildren.

Learning things other than juggling will also help keep your mind active. We all have things we`re curious about, so learn how to research them. Try different foods, read a different type of book. Dabble in a new language. Paint. Write. Sing. Try knitting or dancing or something else you never thought you`d be good at, because the point is not to win awards. The point is simply to try and if it`s not fun you can try something else. That willingness to try new things is a mindset we`re all born with and seem to outgrow. Get it back!

Get your friends and family involved. A loving, supportive social network is one of the strongest determinants in how successfully you age. Surround yourself with people who make you laugh and who recognize the deliciousness of your wit. Volunteer, if you have to, to be around people of all ages. Get acquainted with the Internet, if you aren`t already, to support and nurture your flesh-and-blood connections.

While you`re learning and trying new things, take a look at your diet. A lean, plant-based menu that includes whole grains, nuts, seeds and lean proteins will feed your body the same way that exercise and new experiences feed your brain. By now, you know what you like, so try variations. If you grew up on meat and potatoes, find ways to make them healthier. Can`t abide a salad? Try spinach flash-fried in canola oil. It`s still green and still good for you, but it tastes like potato chips. Try raw vegetables instead of canned or boiled ones and see for yourself why it`s called The Garden of Eden and not the Drive-Thru.

Simple as it may sound, the other thing you can do to stay healthy, active and alert is to stay hydrated. You don`t have to drink 8 glasses of water every day, but you do need to make sure that you`re drinking at least two or three glasses of clear water in addition to your other beverages. Dehydration not only hurts your body, it is associated with a decline in mood. It`s hard to get up and walk or tackle a new passion if you`re irritable or fatigued. If you hate plain water, spice it up with lemon and mint or cinnamon and lime.

Finally, one of the simplest things seniors can do to promote a healthy, mindful and energetic lifestyle is to take supplements. Even a daily multivitamin can make a difference. As with anything else concerning your health and well-being, it`s important to deal with knowledgeable and reliable vendors like our friends at to ensure that you`re getting quality support at a price you can afford.